Hours of the Masses for the Catholic Parish Churches of Veliko Turnovo and Gabrovo
Here are the hours of the masses and services during the week. It is possible sometimes for changes to take place, because our Priest, Father Strahil Kavalenov, has to take care of two parishes at the same time and is …
Photos from deacons ordination in Lublin (Poland) and from the first neocatechumenal Eucharist by Arkadiusz Rejmak deacon in the church of „St. Joseph“ in Lublin
On May 12, 2012 the parish church in the „Our Lady of the Rosary“ in Lublin (Poland), His Eminence Monsignor Mieczys?aw ?is?o, Auxiliary Bishop of Lublin ordained eight new deacons. Arkadiusz Rejmak was among them, a close friend to our parish.