We have visited the ancient city of Ulpia Oescus (lots of photos)
The city of Ulpia Oescus is a huge Roman Empire city built on the Balkans, nowadays – Bulgarian teritory. It is situated 50 kilometers away from the city of Pleven and about 170 km from the center of our parish …
We have visited the town of Elena, Bulgaria
Elena, Bulgaria We have visited the town of Elena, Bulgaria. It is situated near Veliko Turnovo city and represents the center of Elena Municipality. Here are some of our pictures:
We have visited Architectural ethnographic complex „Etar“ near Gabrovo
The Architectural ethnographic complex „Etar“ is located about 50 km away from the city of Veliko Turnovo. The pictures below cannot represent the whole feeling of being there, but may give a brief idea of its beauty. We hope You …
Chapel of God’s mercy in the town of Belene
Chapel of God’s mercy in the town of Belene is a gift for the local Catholic community and for guests of the city from Mr. Borislav Lorinkov’s family. Located on the Danube riverside near the residence of „Prestige“, its architecture …
About this website and our parish „Our Lady of the Rosary“ in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
PARISH “OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY” IN VELIKO TARNOVO, DIOCESE OF NICOPOLI IN BULGARIAN “SVETA DEVA MARIA NA BROENITSATA” The parish is one of the young parishes after the Liberation of Bulgaria. It was built in 1890, when specialists and …